Yui--- 未来の自分へ・”to future self”| Episode 1 / by Lina Takeuchi

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以前撮影させて頂いたご縁でお知り合いだったYUIちゃん、なんとlockdown4日前あたりにニューヨーク上陸!そんな色々持っている彼女w が初回のコラボレーションに快くご協力してくれました





日頃自撮りをしているYUIちゃんですが、自撮りをする時のモットーは” 将来のために今の自身を残していく”






ステイホーム in NY







この旅で久々に上京した時のような”青さを感じるという” 邦画の”ブルー”のようなそんな感覚だと本人は語る



ニューヨークにいる今の感情は ”ブルー” 青い気分、10代の青さみたいな、不安定感を久々に感じている



”不安定な場所が好き” 安定する事が怖い





今の自分を伝えたい未来の自分とはどのくらい先なのかと聞くと…  1ヶ月、2ヶ月先という以外に近い未来であった。

















”恩返しはしなくていいから恩送りをしなさい、自分の次の世代にやってもらった事をちゃんと伝え、残していけばいい” と言われたという






FOLLOW Her World:


Film: “Blue”

Yui-- ”to future self”

Yui came to NYC just 4 days before the city had announced the lockdown. I suggested her to reconsider coming and push back this trip if possible but she’d made up her mind so I  said to her, why not see the city in its abnormal state.

We met a few years ago at a photo shoot and I immediately felt this special quality in her. In general, finding someone who owns their opinions and philosophy is hard to find in Japan but I saw that in her. That is one of many good qualities you will see in her which is reflected through images that she creates whether or not she is the photographer or the model. Photography does show many things within one frame like the emotional distance between the photographer and the subject, mood of the person, atmosphere, and such. She is definitely aware of all of those elements and knows how to deliver the message through the whole process.

This is why I wanted her to be a part of this project, and also because she is one of many women that I respect and adore.

Every session I will be asking individuals to decide who they would like to deliver a message to through this session. So I did the same to Yui and she has decided that this will be for her future self.

Self Discovery

As we spoke about how this quarantine has affected her, she tells me she has discovered how much she loves creating something for the sake of leaving a footprint of her being and to feel how she was feeling in the moment. That is why she started her self-portrait project about 2 years ago with her film camera. 

Today,  she started doing collages with her self-portrait as an extension of the ongoing project. The process of collaging allows her to be more objective of herself and mentions that it’s almost therapeutic to take the moment to look back on how she was feeling while shooting.

One of the things that I feel intrigued about her is that she likes to shoot in all of her emotions;  happy, mad, sad, confused, etc. She feels the need to record all these emotions in raw forms to remember her path. It is interesting to discover how much she is interested in how she has been living her past and how truthful she wants it to exist in this lifetime.

It is rare to find a person who is vulnerable to display and see themselves as raw as they can be. It could be so much easier not to confront their negative self and emotions, than seeing and revealing everything. Instead, she tries to see everything, not denying what has been happening emotionally and physically. I feel that this is an extreme example of truly embracing yourself by accepting who you are. This is why she is such a grounded person at such a young age. Her being magnifies people and we immediately want to get to know her.

Constant Reminder

It seems that she is constantly reminding herself how she is living and feeling. That is rare for most of us to do (or at least for me it is). This thought brought up a question to ask:  “How far in THE FUTURE self is she thinking of?” She reveals to me that it is about 1 - 2 months from now… I was so surprised to find out it is such a near future since most of us will probably say about 5 to 10 years. No?

She says she checks herself almost every 1-2 months and wants to make sure that she can look back and pat herself on the back and say you`ve done something! Not necessarily a great job but to feel okay about herself.

How many people can say that I have done something in the past 10 years??? I say, she has infinite possibilities and a bright future to come!

Then, I said when do you rest? Right???

She goes, she is resting all the time. I realized that it is such a natural part of her life which it does not exhaust her.

Yui has been living her life this way for at least a decade and it is obvious, without a doubt, that this is the factor in achieving her goals at such a young age, especially for her to know which way she is going in life. No wonder that she is finished with TOKYO and ready to move on. 

She initially told me the reason why she wanted to see NYC was because she got bored of Tokyo but I say it is time for her to move on to the next stage of her life.

It is interesting to see that  she has no clue how this routine has led her life realistically and surely in the past and it will continue doing so even though she feels uncertain at some point in her life.  This connects the dot  of  why her word of choice regarding TOKYO was “bored” and it tells me the uncertainty of her state of mind but when she talks about her future she is super sure about her life. She sets her goal and works towards the goal no matter what.

State of Mind

I also asked her what movie is a fit for today's emotional state,   knowing that she watches lots of movies

She began talking about this Japanese Movie “Blue.” It's about this teenage girl who is ambitious at the same time having this murkiness in emotions. She likes the uncomfortableness of how she felt as a teenager in adolescence and is still looking for that fresh and bitter kind of place to be. 

Quarantine actually gave Yui similar emotions since she is in transition and having this whole time to think about herself and the future. However, she says loves this uncertainty and emotional rollercoaster kind of feeling. 

After hearing this, I felt that she just wants to keep growing and doesn't want to be stuck in a comfort zone so she decides to move on to the next thing when she has no more space to grow.

I think Yui is a hard worker, though she does not present herself that way. She knows that she can do better so she pushes herself if it even means that she has to move across the ocean to a foreign country. She would, without a question or fear.

I don`t want to stay in the comfortable state of mind

I am intrigued by her discipline which makes her shine and grow. Most importantly, I’m grateful to be a little part of her life to capture and leave a piece of her in my brand new project that I hope will be ongoing.

Love you and can’t wait to capture the next phase of your life!



FOLLOW Her World:


Film: “Blue”

Where it took place…