Aya--- 好きな人・To my Love | Episode 3 by Lina Takeuchi


Aya- 好きな人








彼女は常に恋をしている, それが素敵なところ












今までの人生ではやはり仕事を優先してきた彼女、私も同じく〜〜〜と言う事に当然なるのだが... もちろん、仕事が好きで、没頭し続けての結果


私もよく言われるが... どうやって入れればいいの〜?と聞くw








MISS UNIVERSE JAPAN 2012のファイナリストとしてご紹介頂いたあの頃も女子の中勝ち残った強さのようなモノを感じたが、私は柔らかいあやちゃんとしか面識が無い。彼女のコーチとして後輩へ教える姿を見たり、聞いたりするととても真の強い厳しい人な一面もある。













ぜひ、下のアルバムとスタジオ撮影を見比べてみていただきたい :)

Thank you so much


FOLLOW Her World:



Aya- to my lover

I met Aya  through our common friend about 10 years ago. Our mutual friend connected us to shoot together. Since then, we’ve  had photo sessions every year. I’m always amused by how beautiful and independent of a woman she has become.

I’m placing photos of our collaborative history here for this session. Please see the relationship that we have built through the images : )

She messages me once in a while to say hi and see how I'm doing even when we are an ocean apart. She is such a caring person, and this time with COVID she did contact me to see how everything is going with my life in NYC. I have felt so much warmth and love from many of my friends who contacted me during this quarantine. It has been the source of my energy and power for myself to give to others. I even think that this time has given me the chance to really appreciate all that I have. 



I have asked her the same question, “ Who would you be leaving a message to on the other side of this lens.” She has decided to dedicate this to the person she LOVEs. 

She always has someone in mind and that has not changed since 10 years ago.

That is probably where her constant glow comes from.

Then I had to ask how she has been dealing with the situation of this quarantine in Tokyo, living by herself. 

She goes, I’ve been enjoying the time and love spending time researching things, and self improvement has been her joy -  which led her to oversee her life and find her new goals for the future. Cooking is one of them and her dishes look amazing! Check out her instagram!



Of all things that she has researched and discovered, MARRIAGE was a thing that changed in her. She started to think more seriously and realistic towards having a love of her life. 

That is why she decided to choose “the LOVER” to deliver this message to.

Just because she is in LOVE does not mean that she will be only thinking of him. Instead, she focuses on learning and  improving herself.

I'm impressed that most of the women I know were super  positive during this quarantine and are very proud  of them for the fact! 

Aya has  prioritized work first like most working women.  It doesn't mean that she discarded her love life but it is natural to not have enough time to spare when your life contains many other things to fill and lacks the space and time for a lovelife.



However, she learned how to turn on the LOVE switch ON!!! She says! And of course I had to ask how???  haha

She said that one of her friends told her that she needs to do that in order to find someone.

Yes, “it is easier said than done” I know for myself.

But I started to think, it may just be very simple. Just learn to make time to accept someone else in your life and maybe spend a little less time on other things. Which might mean you will have to sacrifice a few things that you have been prioritizing in the past...

During this quarantine, she did really focus on doing that. It is hard to adjust the lifestyle if you have been living with work as  a priority, but she did it! She let her guard down to devote the time towards someone who she loves. Which is a brave thing to do. She is strong but not stubborn, that is her charm. 


Thick SKIN

Thinking of how she has always been a person who is affectionate seems like she has been always looking for that GUY so I had to ask what she thinks changed about herself since the first time we met about 10 years ago.

Then, she goes, I have tough skin now. Little things will not bring her down.

She already had the strength in her when I first met her, especially  being nominated as the MISS UNIVERSE JAPAN 2012 finalist amongst many women, although I only saw the soft side of her. Eventually, when I saw her coaching future contestants, I learned that she could also be very serious and tough.


I was also intrigued by the fact she is very objective and doesn’t get into the emotional mode when she is coaching. Which I feel is common with females as their nature to be emotionally involved. Love that about her.

She has no problem to draw the line and say IT is what it is so go on! To anyone who comes to lean from her.

Now, her career has led to experience broader visions and she became more grounded within the strength as a woman. 

WEll, no matter what happens with the person she loves now. I'm pretty sure that she will be making actions towards her happiness.

I am looking forward to meeting her future husband and sharing this story and talking about how lovely she is with a glass of wine. That will be my dream with AYA.

This quarantine life has changed perspectives about dating, love life, even just LIFE itself. 

In every session, I feel that every single person has been thinking about LIFE itself and it has been a great opportunity to self-reflect. 

It has certainly been my learning process for myself and this time I learned that there is a switch to put on a LOVE mood! Haha

Without a doubt, there needs to be some space in myself to be open up and be aware of my emotions. 

Then, I may be able to find something along the way. 

Finally, it was such a fun time chatting with you AYA. Can't wait to hear about how your love story leads to happiness.

Please keep me posted :)

Love, Lina

FOLLOW Her World:


Where it took place…


Mariko: 不思議な力・Superpower | Episode 2 by Lina Takeuchi

















いや、みんなあるでしょ!夫も私もそうなんだけどストレスでちょっとでも幸せになりたい気持ちから甘いものを沢山食べるようになったんだよね... 先月は生理が2回きたんだと教えてくれた。ストレスとホルモンバランスによって排卵が行われなかった可能性があるかららしい。勉強になる!






また、このまりこさんとの会話は6月のはじめだったのでlockdown 3ヶ月目に入り”ストレス”がテーマのような内容になるがそのストレスはどこから来ているのかこれが不思議だ









Thank you Mariko san...

FOLLOW Her World:

Instagram: @mariko_imada

Podcast: “Dear Superwomen”

Website: COACH Mariko Imada

Super Power

This time around, I have an announcement to make about my debut on a podcast as a guest (!) with the  powerful woman that is Mariko - available now!  Please go listen to her empowering Podcast. We had such a fun time chatting and of course we collaborated on my LLL project as well. It was just perfect timing :)

PERIOD Coach-She is a holistic coach focused on PERIODS. I met her for the first time on a photoshoot for her website and social media. I became instantly interested in her and her career when I heard that she is a PERIOD coach since I had so many questions around my own periods and health, and because I’d never heard of a specialist on PERIODS. I personally feel that it is important for women to have the place to talk and ask questions about the topic, then I was also thinking that this woman must be an interesting person!!!

There is no doubt she is a powerful, independent woman who has lived in NYC for a long time, but also has the warmth from within herself which comes from strength.

I decided to just go with the flow for this conversation since this was also for the podcast and sometimes girls just wanna have fun lol. I had a major question that I wanted to ask her in regards to my health and period but with that put on the side for the time being, I asked her how this lockdown has affected her.

Her answer was something I did not expect… She says, “I have too much time on my hands that I have been procrastinating!” After a second I realized what a perfect answer!!! This is the kind of honesty that makes Mariko who she is.

She continues and says “I have so much stress that I started fighting with my friends and it got worse.” LOVE IT! 

SUPER POWER-She has this superpower about her. She just opens her mouth and herself, which allows others to become free to think what you are truly feeling. That is POWER.

I just wanna take a nap!

Then, it was time for me to ask that question about myself. The pelvic bone that has been my most painful experience during this quarantine. My eating habits and reduced exercise has definitely affected my body and at some nights I couldn't sleep... and she goes well, we all have that stress that has changed some of our behaviors. She told me that her husband and herself started eating more sweets than ever because of the stress from staying home and she also had 2 periods last month.

There was a month where I thought I had two periods in a month myself during this quarantine.

I feel that it is important for  women to talk about these things and care for ourselves.

Well, all I have to say here is that I love how she is so bold and true to her feelings and self that I just can't help but to smile. 

Her podcast is the perfect display of herself and talent which you all have to go and listen to!

STRESS-When we had this chat, it  was the beginning of JUNE. At that point, we were in the  3rd month of lockdown and the conversation was leaning towards STRESS. 

She told me that she has been on instagram and social media all the time. There are things she can do such as updating her website and blog but nothing has been moving forward. She feels lost and has no idea what to do.

I said, BUT there must be something she wants to do NOW NOW!! So I asked. What does she want to do now? Then she goes, “I just wanna take a nap!” With a smile on her face. YES this is the MARIKO power!!!

My mind has been tremendously  busy with just trying to create something during this crazy period of our lifetime, so her answer almost dusted off so many layers of feelings that I was carrying on my shoulders.

It is amazing what she can do for the world and I am certain that she will be making many women happy with her abilities to cure.

Little Surprise-There was a little surprise toward the end of this session... I knew how she has discovered her spiritual power and I told her I would love to have her read me in the near future, and she said “Sure, I will when it comes to me!” As we were ending our conversation, she squinted her eyes and  told me that there is a grandmother who is always besides me and watching over my life. She also saw Japanese sweets and Sake, which either my grandmother or grandfather is wanting and it might be the sign that they want the family to visit the grave.

Every session that I do,  I feel gratitude with special talks and how timing is so right that makes me realize it is meant to be at this time and place.

Thank you Mariko for such a special talk! Your special energy has lifted my soul up to keep doing what I'm doing.

FOLLOW Her World:

Instagram: @mariko_imada

Podcast: “Dear Superwomen”

Website: COACH Mariko Imada

Where it took place…


about- LinaLoveLetter Project by Lina Takeuchi


To all my favorite WOMEN

LinaLoveLetter Projectとは私から周りの素敵な女性にLove Letterを送ると言うプロジェクト






そもそも私はカメラが好きとかでは無く、スナップも取ることのない不思議なカメラマンなのですが... 写真を始めた根源や写真を唯一続けられている理由を今一度再確認する時間をこのパンデミックの経験が授けてくれたと思っています。





This is about all of my favorite women on earth.

This quarantine has taught us many things…

Most important fact that I have learned is to simplify life and that action reminded me to go back to the roots. Especially with photography/ ART. Art class was my way of communication when I just moved to California since I did not speak any English and also learning to express my self for the first time in my life was a special place for me to explore. This made me realize there are many layers of what needs to be subtracted in my life. Make space for my self. Then, I ended up having more time to think of others and appreciate. This project is about my journey with my important people who are surrounding my beautiful life and sharing experiences of being distant but still being connected.

Photography wise, I feel grateful to have find a tool to communicate through: a lens. As this project develops, I have come to the realization of having this style of shooting can bring most natural self of subjects and this feels special and the moment is precious. Really appreciate all of my friends for being a part of this and sharing experiences with me. This will forever be kept in my heart in a special place.

Hope that this blog can give you an illusion of being in that moment with us and really reflecting yourself and make you feel okay to be raw with your feelings. 

It is important to share those emotions because we all have those moments and it is okay to be serious, funny, emotional, angry and everything else! Because that makes US women beautiful and shine as a butterfly.


右脳・Right Brain

Growing up in the states at the age of 16 was amazing but still struggled with identity issues for a while

Now, I feel comfortable under my own skin and having my own identity has released my fear of not belonging to one particular place

This is probably why I was able to start this project

The style of writing Japanese on the left and English on the right comes from the similar idea of myself thinking process when I speak both language

I purposely did not translate neither of writing, instead I wrote what I felt in each language

Hope this visual will take you to the journey to my world

左脳・Left Brain









Yui--- 未来の自分へ・”to future self”| Episode 1 by Lina Takeuchi

yuiQuarantine130538 1.jpg


以前撮影させて頂いたご縁でお知り合いだったYUIちゃん、なんとlockdown4日前あたりにニューヨーク上陸!そんな色々持っている彼女w が初回のコラボレーションに快くご協力してくれました





日頃自撮りをしているYUIちゃんですが、自撮りをする時のモットーは” 将来のために今の自身を残していく”






ステイホーム in NY







この旅で久々に上京した時のような”青さを感じるという” 邦画の”ブルー”のようなそんな感覚だと本人は語る



ニューヨークにいる今の感情は ”ブルー” 青い気分、10代の青さみたいな、不安定感を久々に感じている



”不安定な場所が好き” 安定する事が怖い





今の自分を伝えたい未来の自分とはどのくらい先なのかと聞くと…  1ヶ月、2ヶ月先という以外に近い未来であった。

















”恩返しはしなくていいから恩送りをしなさい、自分の次の世代にやってもらった事をちゃんと伝え、残していけばいい” と言われたという






FOLLOW Her World:


Film: “Blue”

Yui-- ”to future self”

Yui came to NYC just 4 days before the city had announced the lockdown. I suggested her to reconsider coming and push back this trip if possible but she’d made up her mind so I  said to her, why not see the city in its abnormal state.

We met a few years ago at a photo shoot and I immediately felt this special quality in her. In general, finding someone who owns their opinions and philosophy is hard to find in Japan but I saw that in her. That is one of many good qualities you will see in her which is reflected through images that she creates whether or not she is the photographer or the model. Photography does show many things within one frame like the emotional distance between the photographer and the subject, mood of the person, atmosphere, and such. She is definitely aware of all of those elements and knows how to deliver the message through the whole process.

This is why I wanted her to be a part of this project, and also because she is one of many women that I respect and adore.

Every session I will be asking individuals to decide who they would like to deliver a message to through this session. So I did the same to Yui and she has decided that this will be for her future self.

Self Discovery

As we spoke about how this quarantine has affected her, she tells me she has discovered how much she loves creating something for the sake of leaving a footprint of her being and to feel how she was feeling in the moment. That is why she started her self-portrait project about 2 years ago with her film camera. 

Today,  she started doing collages with her self-portrait as an extension of the ongoing project. The process of collaging allows her to be more objective of herself and mentions that it’s almost therapeutic to take the moment to look back on how she was feeling while shooting.

One of the things that I feel intrigued about her is that she likes to shoot in all of her emotions;  happy, mad, sad, confused, etc. She feels the need to record all these emotions in raw forms to remember her path. It is interesting to discover how much she is interested in how she has been living her past and how truthful she wants it to exist in this lifetime.

It is rare to find a person who is vulnerable to display and see themselves as raw as they can be. It could be so much easier not to confront their negative self and emotions, than seeing and revealing everything. Instead, she tries to see everything, not denying what has been happening emotionally and physically. I feel that this is an extreme example of truly embracing yourself by accepting who you are. This is why she is such a grounded person at such a young age. Her being magnifies people and we immediately want to get to know her.

Constant Reminder

It seems that she is constantly reminding herself how she is living and feeling. That is rare for most of us to do (or at least for me it is). This thought brought up a question to ask:  “How far in THE FUTURE self is she thinking of?” She reveals to me that it is about 1 - 2 months from now… I was so surprised to find out it is such a near future since most of us will probably say about 5 to 10 years. No?

She says she checks herself almost every 1-2 months and wants to make sure that she can look back and pat herself on the back and say you`ve done something! Not necessarily a great job but to feel okay about herself.

How many people can say that I have done something in the past 10 years??? I say, she has infinite possibilities and a bright future to come!

Then, I said when do you rest? Right???

She goes, she is resting all the time. I realized that it is such a natural part of her life which it does not exhaust her.

Yui has been living her life this way for at least a decade and it is obvious, without a doubt, that this is the factor in achieving her goals at such a young age, especially for her to know which way she is going in life. No wonder that she is finished with TOKYO and ready to move on. 

She initially told me the reason why she wanted to see NYC was because she got bored of Tokyo but I say it is time for her to move on to the next stage of her life.

It is interesting to see that  she has no clue how this routine has led her life realistically and surely in the past and it will continue doing so even though she feels uncertain at some point in her life.  This connects the dot  of  why her word of choice regarding TOKYO was “bored” and it tells me the uncertainty of her state of mind but when she talks about her future she is super sure about her life. She sets her goal and works towards the goal no matter what.

State of Mind

I also asked her what movie is a fit for today's emotional state,   knowing that she watches lots of movies

She began talking about this Japanese Movie “Blue.” It's about this teenage girl who is ambitious at the same time having this murkiness in emotions. She likes the uncomfortableness of how she felt as a teenager in adolescence and is still looking for that fresh and bitter kind of place to be. 

Quarantine actually gave Yui similar emotions since she is in transition and having this whole time to think about herself and the future. However, she says loves this uncertainty and emotional rollercoaster kind of feeling. 

After hearing this, I felt that she just wants to keep growing and doesn't want to be stuck in a comfort zone so she decides to move on to the next thing when she has no more space to grow.

I think Yui is a hard worker, though she does not present herself that way. She knows that she can do better so she pushes herself if it even means that she has to move across the ocean to a foreign country. She would, without a question or fear.

I don`t want to stay in the comfortable state of mind

I am intrigued by her discipline which makes her shine and grow. Most importantly, I’m grateful to be a little part of her life to capture and leave a piece of her in my brand new project that I hope will be ongoing.

Love you and can’t wait to capture the next phase of your life!



FOLLOW Her World:


Film: “Blue”

Where it took place…