Aya- 好きな人
彼女は常に恋をしている, それが素敵なところ
今までの人生ではやはり仕事を優先してきた彼女、私も同じく〜〜〜と言う事に当然なるのだが... もちろん、仕事が好きで、没頭し続けての結果
私もよく言われるが... どうやって入れればいいの〜?と聞くw
MISS UNIVERSE JAPAN 2012のファイナリストとしてご紹介頂いたあの頃も女子の中勝ち残った強さのようなモノを感じたが、私は柔らかいあやちゃんとしか面識が無い。彼女のコーチとして後輩へ教える姿を見たり、聞いたりするととても真の強い厳しい人な一面もある。
ぜひ、下のアルバムとスタジオ撮影を見比べてみていただきたい :)
Thank you so much
FOLLOW Her World:
Aya- to my lover
I met Aya through our common friend about 10 years ago. Our mutual friend connected us to shoot together. Since then, we’ve had photo sessions every year. I’m always amused by how beautiful and independent of a woman she has become.
I’m placing photos of our collaborative history here for this session. Please see the relationship that we have built through the images : )
She messages me once in a while to say hi and see how I'm doing even when we are an ocean apart. She is such a caring person, and this time with COVID she did contact me to see how everything is going with my life in NYC. I have felt so much warmth and love from many of my friends who contacted me during this quarantine. It has been the source of my energy and power for myself to give to others. I even think that this time has given me the chance to really appreciate all that I have.
I have asked her the same question, “ Who would you be leaving a message to on the other side of this lens.” She has decided to dedicate this to the person she LOVEs.
She always has someone in mind and that has not changed since 10 years ago.
That is probably where her constant glow comes from.
Then I had to ask how she has been dealing with the situation of this quarantine in Tokyo, living by herself.
She goes, I’ve been enjoying the time and love spending time researching things, and self improvement has been her joy - which led her to oversee her life and find her new goals for the future. Cooking is one of them and her dishes look amazing! Check out her instagram!
Of all things that she has researched and discovered, MARRIAGE was a thing that changed in her. She started to think more seriously and realistic towards having a love of her life.
That is why she decided to choose “the LOVER” to deliver this message to.
Just because she is in LOVE does not mean that she will be only thinking of him. Instead, she focuses on learning and improving herself.
I'm impressed that most of the women I know were super positive during this quarantine and are very proud of them for the fact!
Aya has prioritized work first like most working women. It doesn't mean that she discarded her love life but it is natural to not have enough time to spare when your life contains many other things to fill and lacks the space and time for a lovelife.
However, she learned how to turn on the LOVE switch ON!!! She says! And of course I had to ask how??? haha
She said that one of her friends told her that she needs to do that in order to find someone.
Yes, “it is easier said than done” I know for myself.
But I started to think, it may just be very simple. Just learn to make time to accept someone else in your life and maybe spend a little less time on other things. Which might mean you will have to sacrifice a few things that you have been prioritizing in the past...
During this quarantine, she did really focus on doing that. It is hard to adjust the lifestyle if you have been living with work as a priority, but she did it! She let her guard down to devote the time towards someone who she loves. Which is a brave thing to do. She is strong but not stubborn, that is her charm.
Thick SKIN
Thinking of how she has always been a person who is affectionate seems like she has been always looking for that GUY so I had to ask what she thinks changed about herself since the first time we met about 10 years ago.
Then, she goes, I have tough skin now. Little things will not bring her down.
She already had the strength in her when I first met her, especially being nominated as the MISS UNIVERSE JAPAN 2012 finalist amongst many women, although I only saw the soft side of her. Eventually, when I saw her coaching future contestants, I learned that she could also be very serious and tough.
I was also intrigued by the fact she is very objective and doesn’t get into the emotional mode when she is coaching. Which I feel is common with females as their nature to be emotionally involved. Love that about her.
She has no problem to draw the line and say IT is what it is so go on! To anyone who comes to lean from her.
Now, her career has led to experience broader visions and she became more grounded within the strength as a woman.
WEll, no matter what happens with the person she loves now. I'm pretty sure that she will be making actions towards her happiness.
I am looking forward to meeting her future husband and sharing this story and talking about how lovely she is with a glass of wine. That will be my dream with AYA.
This quarantine life has changed perspectives about dating, love life, even just LIFE itself.
In every session, I feel that every single person has been thinking about LIFE itself and it has been a great opportunity to self-reflect.
It has certainly been my learning process for myself and this time I learned that there is a switch to put on a LOVE mood! Haha
Without a doubt, there needs to be some space in myself to be open up and be aware of my emotions.
Then, I may be able to find something along the way.
Finally, it was such a fun time chatting with you AYA. Can't wait to hear about how your love story leads to happiness.
Please keep me posted :)
Love, Lina
FOLLOW Her World:
Where it took place…