Tuesday Pop- Up at MIKA is a recurring event to support local artists curated by a photographer Lina Takeuchi.
Place to Showcase, share thoughts and get inspired.
It is an event to support each other in this difficult time during this pandemic, especially artists who has been working hard to stay positive.
7th TUESDAY POP UP of 2021!!!
DATE: TUE, OCT, 26th
TIME for Shops: 5-10PM
Second Collaboration with Sounds Like NYC curated live performances by artists: 7-10 PM
7:30pm AVMILLE
8:30pm Naveed Ahmed
9:00pm The Train Walkers
Please RSVP to see LIVE Performances!!!
AND here are the other local artists and small businesses getting together for Vol. 15 of Tuesday Pop-Up.
Let`s make this Magical TUESDAY happen again.
Tuesday, OCT 26th Artist List
Yui Brooklyn @yuibrooklyn
Zofi and Clay @zofi_and_clay
Indian Art @hitomibrooklyn
Bemer Therapy @hitomibrooklyn
Tete Massage by Aiko
Tachibana Zakkaten @tachibana_zakkaten
Mti Mti @_mti_mti_
Pucchi Ropa Jewelry @pucci_ropa_jewelry
Peaboy @peaboypeaboy @peaboy_crown_heights
Aqua Maree Tarot @aqua.maree
Tarot Reading by Amanda @amandazimberg
RAMEN: Matuszaka Ramen @matsuzaka_ramen
Hope to see you there !
Curator Lina Takeuchi @linatakefoto