Tuesday Pop- Up at MIKA is an event that I curate to support local artists!
Place to Showcase, share thoughts and get inspired.
It is an event to support each other in this difficult time during this pandemic, especially artists who has been working hard to stay positive.
2nd TUESDAY POP UP 2021 is on 420 :)
DATE: TUE, April, 20th
This time Seasoned Brooklyn is bringing all the CBD goodies to us on TUESDAY!
AND here are the other local artists and small businesses getting together for Vol. 9 of Tuesday Pop-Up.
Let`s make this Magical TUESDAY happen again.
4/20 Artist List
Seasoned Brooklyn @seasonedbrooklyn
SASAI @sasaijewelry
Kaan @kaan_bags
MISOMARU @brooklyn_misomaru
AKIHA NYC @avakiha
Zofi and Clay @zofi_and_clay
Keisuke Hiei @keihiei
Witchery @purewitchery
ADORNED by you @adornedbyyou
RAMEN: Matuszaka Ramen @matsuzaka_ramen
Hope to see you there !
Curator of Tuesday Pop-Up
Lina Takeuchi @linatakefoto